On-Site Scanning
By ImageWorld Technologies
No Need to Ship Confidential Materials Off-Site
We understand that sometimes the documents and data cannot leave your facility because the information is too valuable or the risk is too high. ImageWorld Technologies has specifically built our operations teams to support on-site services to help you maintain a paperless office and we deploy our team rapidly. We have proven process that brings our big data center style high-quality document scanning and imaging services to your location. We love to travel and we specialize in onsite operations.
- On-Site Document Imaging (Entry, Capture, and Conversion) Services
- Eliminate the Need to have sensitive information leave Your Office
- Media-to-Media Conversion and content migration of All Types

Scanning, Imaging and Conversion
Our Service Includes.
- Document preparation according to your instructions.
- High-volume scanning according to your needs.
- Return or secure destruction of originals.
- Secure facilities with redundancy, security, backups that protect your data
- Process any-size document or fax, including wide-format engineer drawings and blueprints.
- Create or convert Microfilm (16mm, 33mm, and 105mm, microfiche and aperture card conversion)
- Secure SaaS Cloud access. (CD/DVD format available)
- Media-to-media conversion, moving data from tapes or optical disk to CD/DVD or the Web.
- Secure document archiving.